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The Little India @ Jalan Tengku Kelana, Klang

On the 4th October, we have a chance to visit The Little India allocated in Jalan Tengku Kelana, Klang. As we step down from the bus, the unique culture of the town instantly caught my “lens” .After we walked around for a while, this deep thought inside my mind float out “Indians are fierce and unfriendly” (not to be racist but since young our society “feed” us about this mind set). But then I realize we are wrong, we can see in this town no matter what race you are, we are together as one, we eat, we drink, we share our culture together and they are actually very friendly. There is even a mosque few hundreds meter away from the Hindu temple. It is really amazing. It’s incredibly beautiful!

People visit Malaysia to experience how we Chinese, Malay, Indian and other races unite as one. But sometimes, I guess we just disappoint them. We are not as united as what people think we are. For example, few weeks back me, Chris and William went to Kuala Terrengganu and Pulau Kapas. In Pulau Kapas, we saw a lots of foreigners there, but the Malaysian, except for the local there, we don’t interact with them. It was an ugly sight to see.

But on the other side, in Little India, the local who have spent their whole life there did a great job! They tried their best to explain Malaysian’s Culture to the tourists even though their English and Malay’s speaking are not that good. Especially in the Indian Cuisine restaurant, the staffs there tried their best to explain and teach us how to enjoy their food.

After the brilliant meals, we continue our photo shooting. No matter the local or foreigners here are extremely cooperative, they “helped” us to produce tons of excellent photos. But first, we need to have the courage to point the lens at them. Here are more photos from me.


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