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Assignment 3

Mask Man

Paper sculpture(scene 1 the exploration of igniting the super power)

It all started in a classroom, Zikri, William, Chris, Jackee and YC are doing their paper sculpture together. But they are struggling to cut the tiny pieces and sticking them together.

Zikri: “Fuck lar, so small how to cut o!”

William: “I think perception knife can be easier.”

YC : “ MCB, why are we doing this when we can play Pokemon”

Chris: “I hope there is a way like putting something on the table or like say something can ask someone who have the magic power to help. It will be damn nice.”

Jackee: “ Yaya, continue dreaming and we won’t see you next Sem…Eh , William jom lah, buy coffee.”

Jac and liam walk to the vending machine and buy their favourite Nescafe original. Then back to class.

Suddenly, Jac feel uncomfortable and go back and rest.

Then William opens his coffee and takes a sip. After that he put it on the table’s corner on his left.

Chris (stare at the coffee can):” Eh, you think if I put a phone on top of this opened and ‘one sip loses coffee can, can ignite something ah?”

Zikri:” Maybe cicak man keluar lar.”

YC(laugh) William:” Sohai, But I actually hope so ..”

Everyone laugh..

Uekgghhheeee….(sounds of door opening)A full black outfit man enter the class, wearing a hoodie and a mask , he take out a gun, throw it onto the table,take out scissors, cutter, perception knifes and a glass cutting panel. Everyone stunned.

He pull a chair and sit down then start cutting.

He pick up his gun, just pointing at the papers, the paper sculptures appear in front of them. Mask man pack his things and left.

Jackee come back.

Zik:” Oi orang kampong, belum mati lagi?”

Jac:” Belum lah tunggu kutip durian ni”

Chris:” OMG,Jac u know what happened or not, You missed that whole fucking scary part……..continue telling story and the screen faded slowly….”

Players ,metal wires , humans lying on the floor..

Chris:” Eh FID is so hard like the workload is so heavy and fuck I’m broke again because of hardware shop’s devil mouth.”

Zik,Jac :” he..hahahahahaha…..We are all broke”

Zik:” No money to beli rokok weih”

William:” You know wait?Honestly I don’t mind to spend money lar, if we can still manage to find the Mask Man for we call him?”

YC:” HEHE..Do the same thing like last time, put the phone on top of the coffee can which is open and a sip missing.”

Jac:” You sure boh?? 不要开玩笑哦!我来认真的哦!”

YC looks at Jac and smile pervert-ly…Jac:” ok…I buy coffee now”

Jac come back. Chris:”Eh dude, can pinjam money first ah? Lapar do,jom makan first lah”

Jac nodedddddddd……………………………………………

YC:” You all go first, I’ll join later.” (he open the coffee takes a sip, and do the magic while the rest of the guys walk out)

Mask guy enter.Touch the wire rolls, shake his head. Put the wire rolls across YC neck and left. YC don’t know what is happening, he run out from the class .while he open the door, and said “WTF a pink metal wire komodo?”

PVC sculture

Five different groups,all bring different length and types of pvc pipe.

Jac:” Fuck lah who is this mask man guy? I keep missing the parts where he appear. How to call him out?”

William:”Err…coffee I guess?”

Jac:” but now we all in different groups wor, who will he help?”

Chris:” Depends on your luck lar”

YC:” Fuck off lar, I need Mask Man to help me with this lar”

Chris :” Fuck off? Okay, Bye Im buying coffee now”

Everyone come back with different coffee, some even have different drinks. Jac put down his coffee and left the class.

YC:” Guys, is time”

Chris:” fucking sad for Jac weih, oldest in the class for 98 babies lar still single, like this girl kena reject, like that girl kena say age problems, another girl damn manja with him then suddenly tell him that just want to remain as friends.AND the worst part is, he never had a chance to meet this mysterious Mask Man.”

Everyone laugh

William:” I know what he feel weih, I thought he can get this girl already weih”

Zik:” Huh??Apa???Jac??Jackee?girl?what girl? A~sal aku tak paham ni? Apa..Apa…What you mean?who”

YC:” we all know lar”

Chris:” Of course we do, I even thought of they can stay together forever but don’t you guys feel weird that why everytime when the Black Mask appear, Jackee not here?”

William:” yea weih now think about it right, this is not just unlucky but I feel like he go off before we do the magical moves weih.”

YC:” Err.. is ok let’s start first and find out later.”

They did the magical moves and Black Mask appear. He took one of the pipe and tie a marker at the tips and write “CUND” on the white board. Then he left.

Everyone just stunned balls and try their fucking best to find out what is ‘CUND’

Everyone:” CUND?”

Zik:” CUND….see you ND? McD? See you at Mc Donald?”

YC:” hahahahaha….see you at Mc Donald? Ohhh wait…fuck is See you next door”

Everyone go next door and find out that all the sculpture is done again. Then Black mask slowly walk out from the class. Everyone just hide behind the door and look at the Black Mask.

Black Mask take out his mask and hoodie and turn back to Jackee.

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