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Street Photo-shooting @ Little India, Klang

On the 4th of October, students from FID and BIA had a chance to visit The Little India at Klang. There are about 40 of us including Mr.Martin

Once we stepped down from the bus, the strong indian's "rempah" smell from one of the "kedai runcit" opposite the road had excites me. The next thing i know is everyone were interested with the peoples, cultures, buildings and of course food here ! Then started taking photos with our DSLR. At first Im a bit scared of "pointing" my lens right to people's face, but the foreigners and the locals there are extremely friendly. After a small "warm-up" session, me and my bros went into to an indian cuisine restaurant to try "nasi banana leaves". After that, we were enjoying the views and some exciting moments through the view finder. Here are some photos that i wanted to share.

After all, I am really amazed how important is the timing, angles, and the relationship between the object and the background are. Even if only slow for 0.01 second, the photos are already different from the scenes 0.01 second ago and is almost impossible to get the scenes recorded ever again. But that is the fun and interesting part of photojournalism as well as our life. We can see alots of feelings, emotions and stories via the "magical" view finder.

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