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Eco World Night Bazaar

On 8th October, I went back to Johor Bahru, the town I used to stay for 5 years throughout my secondary school life. I had lunch with few of my ex classmates, then I went to EcoWorld Gallery at Eco Tropics, Kota Masai, Johor. There was a night bazaar during that time. I went there to help one of my friend to set up her booth and of course photo shooting. The ambiance of the park was very calm and soothing. I felt relieved and not stressful at all.

At Eco World Gallery, I finally understand how hard people setting up for an event even though it is just renting a small booth, setting it up and selling whatever products. They need to be there few hours before the event starts to prepare and set up the place. After the event started, they need to promote and serve the customers and only 20% of them are really keen to buy their products. During the ending of the whole thing , I can see everyone tired and just wanting to go home but sadly they still need to clean and tidy up the place.

The Smile of Kindness

It is pretty saddening to think that most people only see and feel the people or performers’ effort, but we never notice about the effort of back stage or cleaners or whoever working behind the scene. I honestly think that we need to change our perspectives and think from other angles .

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