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Assignment 1


From when was the brief was given, I had no idea what movie to watch but during a talk with friends I decided which movie to watch- Transformers. Transformers is a movie by Michael Bay and Steven Spielburg since 2007. So I watched Transformers 1. It was more then meets the eye . At first after watching the movie I didn’t think much as I thought there wasn’t really anything to learn. We started talking about transformers in different views , such as I could be Sam Witwicky , I know this sound crazy but hear me out . We’re both ordinary college students trying to survive , like how he wants his car so badly he would create an account on e-Bay named Ladiesman 217 to sell the things that his great-great-grandfather left. Just like what his dad said, he need to save up to 2000 Dollar and at least 3A’s in order to get his first car, he talked and argued with his lecturer to turn an B to A. After class, his dad brought him to Bobby Boliva’s car lot to choose his first car. Sam spotted an old looking Camaro and they bought it for 4000 Dollar with Boliva’s agreed after the glass explosion.

Sam took the car out with his buddy, Miles to the lake. Here, they met Mikeala and her Boy friend, Trent. Trent was trying to chase them away.

Then Sam as a guy, he is more interested to send a hot girl like Mikeala home but not his buddy, Miles. Sam offered Mikeala a ride home. But halfway during the ride, his car engine broke down. Mikeala looked under the hood and impressed by his car engine, but Sam on the other side, more impressed by her body layout.

After sending her home, She waved back to him, he felt that he is already one step closer. Later late at night, Sam’s car start-up itself and drove away, he thought that his car was stolen. Sam followed the car to an junkyard. Then he saw his car turn into an robot and flashing lights into the sky.

Next day when he reached home, the camora arrived home with “self-driving mode”. Sam jumped onto his mom’s pink bike and tried to escaped from his car. Unfortunately, he crashed and fall hard and dramatic enough right in front of the girl who hooked his heart. Later, he found a police car, he rode to it and asked for help but the police car turned into another scary robot. Sam fled and ran towards Mikeala and Camaro arrived and bring them to the power plant. Then Camoro and the police car started fighting. Afterward Camaro speak to them with his radio and drove them away.

During the car ride, Sam made another move and asked Mikeala to sit on his lap for safety reason. All the guys jealous. Later Mikeala insulted the Camaro is too old. They forced out by the car then the car drove away. It came back with 2009 version of Camaro. It took the teens to an observatory. Mikeala instinctively reached out for Sam's hand when they watched four meteors enter the earth planet. Sam had succeeded!!

A scene showing that how reliable Sam is.


They had been brought to an alley to meet the Autobots from Cybertron. Optimus explained their mission to locate the All Sparks, the betrayal of Megatron and the decepticons , and how Archibald Witwicky's specs played a vital role in finding the AllSpark.

Err..I’m too much into the story. The main thing I saw in Sam is his determination. As I believed in Karma, Sam, Mikeala, Optimus Prime and Lennox knew this and cleary know that good things will returned when you do good. They also know the right action and decision to made at the right time.

For example, Sam knew that he can’t give up even when he was standing at the edge of the skyscraper risking his life. Mikeala knew she couldn’t do much but instead of doing nothing, she helped by driving and moving Bumblebee, who has just lost his legs, in order for him to fight. Lennox on the other hand knew his duties; he had the responsibility to protect his country and its people. He bravely rode the 2007 Aprilia RSV 1000 and skidded under Megatron and took a beautiful skillful shot. Finally, Sam merged the AllSpark with Megatron, killing him. Optimus extended his thanks, telling him he owed Sam a debt of gratitude. Bumblebee, who could now speak, requested permission to stay with Sam, to which Sam instantly agreed. Sam and Mikaela entered into a relationship and made out on Bumblebee's hood while Ironhide and Ratchet observed.

As I mentioned earlier, Sam , Mikeala , Lennox , Optimus Prime, and Bumblebee are the characters who attracted my attention and I respect them for their actions. We got lots to learn from heroes like them. Let’s put it this way, how sure are you that you will hold on to the order even though risking your life? I’m sure that not many of us willing to risk our life even though we know it’s our responsibility. Sam on the other hand was an individual who was able to disregard even the government in order to protect what he believed was right. People like Sam are rare members of the society and are even able to go to the extend to even risk their own fucking life.. That’s Nuts!

As a growing young adult, I can relate to the pressure Sam is getting from school, home and his peers. When I see the way he was able to deal with all his problems, I felt like I too could go through this crazy course that I’ve enrolled for..

*what the fuck was I thinking*

However, after watching this movie, I felt.. what do you call it..? inspired?

Perhaps I was inspired by the bravery, determination and.. lets face it theres only two values he holds and this movie sucks.. hope you enjoyed my CTX essay.

the end

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